Mountain T-Shirts

A unique collection of t-shirts, with eye-catching designs, depicting mountains in Scotland and around the world. Our t-shirts are manufactured from high-class cotton giving them a wonderful soft handle. The images are produced using top quality screen-printing, which guarantees the durability of the print and gives a superior appearance. This proven range of contemporary lifestyle garments is perfect for everyday casual wear, making a great memento of a favourite mountain, or an ideal gift for family and friends.

Fair Wear Foundation

All of our T-shirts are manufactured by Continental Clothing. Fair Wear Foundation guarantees that Continental Clothing makes sufficient effort to improve labour conditions along the supply chain. See

NTS Adds Ben Lawers to the 2018 Torchlight Challenge Line-up

The Torchlight Challenge is an unique event organised by the National Trust for Scotland to give hill-walkers the opportunity to climb one of Scotland’s best known mountains at night, aided by torches and lanterns and to light up beacons on the summits. The inaugural challenge took place on Ben Lomond with Goat Fell on Arran being added in 2017 and this year sees the inclusion of Ben Lawers, Perthshire’s highest mountain. The event will take place on 15th September and for each participant there is a registration fee of £15 plus a minimum of £50 to be raised by sponsorship. This will benefit NTS with their on-going projects as well as local mountain rescue teams, who along with the NTS rangers will be there on the night to provide guiding, support and assistance. Further details can be found via the NTS website.

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