Mountain T-Shirts
A unique collection of t-shirts, with eye-catching designs, depicting mountains in Scotland and around the world. Our t-shirts are manufactured from high-class cotton giving them a wonderful soft handle. The images are produced using top quality screen-printing, which guarantees the durability of the print and gives a superior appearance. This proven range of contemporary lifestyle garments is perfect for everyday casual wear, making a great memento of a favourite mountain, or an ideal gift for family and friends.
All of our T-shirts are manufactured by Continental Clothing. Fair Wear Foundation guarantees that Continental Clothing makes sufficient effort to improve labour conditions along the supply chain. See
Snowy Owl Sightings
A snowy owl has been spotted in the Scottish Highlands this winter. It has been seen around Ben Macdui, in the Cairngorms. Sightings of these huge distinctive owls are uncommon in Scotland and usually restricted to the summer months. It’s therefore very unusual to see one in the depths of winter, especially on Britain’s second highest mountain, where the food source for such a large predator is limited. It is thought the bird is a young male. Although it is nearly 40 years since snowy owls last bred in Scotland, it is hoped that one day they will do so again and every sighting gives reason for optimism.