Mountain T-Shirts

A unique collection of t-shirts, with eye-catching designs, depicting mountains in Scotland and around the world. Our t-shirts are manufactured from high-class cotton giving them a wonderful soft handle. The images are produced using top quality screen-printing, which guarantees the durability of the print and gives a superior appearance. This proven range of contemporary lifestyle garments is perfect for everyday casual wear, making a great memento of a favourite mountain, or an ideal gift for family and friends.

Fair Wear Foundation

All of our T-shirts are manufactured by Continental Clothing. Fair Wear Foundation guarantees that Continental Clothing makes sufficient effort to improve labour conditions along the supply chain. See

The Return of the Record Breaking Osprey

“Lady”, the famous Scottish osprey has once again laid eggs at Loch of the Lowes, Perthshire. For more than two decades, this remarkable bird has returned every year to the nesting site at the Scottish Wildlife Trust reserve. Two years ago, the outlook was much less positive, when she became ill and stopped eating. Hopes for her surviving began to diminish until she suddenly made an unexpected recovery. Since then she has continued to make the annual 3000-mile migration from Africa to Scotland. Over the years, the 26-year-old bird of prey has laid more than 60 eggs and the majority of the hatched chicks have fledged. Considering the average age of a female Osprey is about 8 years, this is an astonishing feat of parenthood and survival, which continues to amaze SWT staff, visitors to the reserve and thousands of web cam viewers. If the three eggs are successfully incubated, the young should begin to hatch towards the end of May.

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